What I Have Learned From My Authors

My Honorary Degree 

As a ghostwriter and book editor, I have one of the best jobs in the world. I meet extraordinary people who are high performers in their field: the armed services, entrepreneurialism, medicine, leadership, wellness, sports, and more. Then—this is the best part—I spend months with them, digging deeply into their wisdom and their lives.

I get a Masters-level course from every author, and have the honor of helping them explain themselves to the world.

The result is not simply an endlessly engaging way to make a living, but also an ongoing education that shapes how I see the world, how I live my life, how I show up in my relationships, what I ask of myself, and how I run my business.

It has been a gift, and I want to pay it forward with gratitude. In the coming months I will share weekly posts containing insights I gained from some of the authors with whom I have had the honor of collaborating.

Let’s begin.


Tammy Buss: Poor Communication Destroys Businesses


David Goggins: The power of relentless challenge